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Each game has 10 questions.
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First - Shape, position and movement
Standard 1.GMD.1.2 - Practice finding an object at a given point on a coordinate plane.
Included Skills:
Angle, symmetry and transformation
• I can describe, follow and record routes and journeys using signs, words and angles associated with direction and turning.
• I have developed an awareness of where grid reference systems are used in everyday contexts and can use them to locate and describe position.
• I have explored symmetry in my own and the wider environment and can create and recognise symmetrical pictures, patterns and shapes.
• Uses technology and other methods to describe, follow and record directions using words associated with angles, directions and turns including, full turn, half turn, quarter turn, clockwise, anticlockwise, right turn, left turn, right angle.
• Knows that a right angle is 90°.
• Knows and uses the compass points, North, South, East and West.
• Uses informal methods to estimate, compare and describe the size of angles in relation to a right angle.
• Finds right angles in the environment and in well-known 2D shapes.
• Identifies where and why grid references are used.
• Describes, plots and uses accurate two figure grid references, demonstrating knowledge of the horizontal and vertical location.
• Identifies symmetry in patterns, pictures, nature and 2D shapes.
• Creates symmetrical pictures and designs with more than one line of symmetry.
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