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Earn up to 5 stars for each level
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Each game has 10 questions.
Green box means correct.
Yellow box means incorrect.

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Second - Shape, position and movement

Standard 2.GMD.1.1 - Visualize the relationship between a two dimensional net and its corresponding three dimensional figure.

Included Skills:

Properties of 2D shapes and 3D objects
Having explored a range of 3D objects and 2D shapes, I can use mathematical language to describe their properties, and through investigation can discuss where and why particular shapes are used in the environment.
Through practical activities, I can show my understanding of the relationship between 3D objects and their nets.
I can draw 2D shapes and make representations of 3D objects using an appropriate range of methods and efficient use of resources.
Describes 3D objects and 2D shapes using specific vocabulary including regular, irregular, diagonal, radius, diameter and circumference. Applies this knowledge to demonstrate understanding of the relationship between 3D objects and their nets.
Identifies and describes 3D objects and 2D shapes within the environment and explains why their properties match their function.
Knows that the radius is half of the diameter.
Uses digital technologies and mathematical instruments to draw 2D shapes and make representations of 3D objects, understanding that not all parts of the 3D object can be seen.

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