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Second - Shape, position and movement

Standard 2.GMD.1.2 - Practice constructing obtuse, acute and right angles with a protractor.

Included Skills:

Angle, symmetry and transformation
I have investigated angles in the environment, and can discuss, describe and classify angles using appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
I can accurately measure and draw angles using appropriate equipment, applying my skills to problems in context.
Through practical activities which include the use of technology, I have developed my understanding of the link between compass points and angles and can describe, follow and record directions, routes and journeys using appropriate vocabulary.
Having investigated where, why and how scale is used and expressed, I can apply my understanding to interpret simple models, maps and plans.
I can use my knowledge of the coordinate system to plot and describe the location of a point on a grid.
I can illustrate the lines of symmetry for a range of 2D shapes and apply my understanding to create and complete symmetrical pictures and patterns.
Uses mathematical language including acute, obtuse, straight and reflex to describe and classify a range of angles identified within shapes in the environment.
Measures and draws a range of angles to within ± 2°.
Knows that complementary angles add up to 90° and supplementary angles add up to 180° and uses this knowledge to calculate missing angles.
Uses knowledge of the link between the eight compass points and angles to describe, follow and record directions.
Interprets maps, models or plans with simple scales, for example, 1 cm:2 km.
Describes, plots and records the location of a point, in the first quadrant, using coordinate notation.
Identifies and illustrates line symmetry on a wide range of 2D shapes and applies this understanding to complete a range of symmetrical patterns, with and without the use of digital technologies.

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