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Each game has 10 questions.
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Fourth - Number, money and measure
Standard 4.NS.1.10 - Find the proportional relationship represented in the table.
Included Skills:
Patterns and relationships
• Having explored how real-life situations can be modelled by number patterns, I can establish a number sequence to represent a physical or pictorial pattern, determine a general formula to describe the sequence, then use it to make evaluations and solve related problems.
• I have discussed ways to describe the slope of a line, can interpret the definition of gradient and can use it to make relevant calculations, interpreting my answer for the context of the problem.
• Having investigated the pattern of the coordinate points lying on a horizontal or vertical line, I can describe the pattern using a simple equation.
• I can use a given formula to generate points lying on a straight line, plot them to create a graphical representation then use this to answer related questions.
• Determines a general formula for the nth term to describe a sequence and uses it to solve related problems, linear examples only.
• Calculates the gradient of lines in a coordinate diagram.
• Draws conclusions about the gradient of a line, for example, 'does the ramp meet building regulations?'.
• Communicates the gradient of vertical and horizontal lines and states the equation of these lines as x = a or y = b or equivalent.
• Uses a given formula to plot a straight line onto a Cartesian diagram.
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